Saturday, August 4, 2018

Dems more and more borrow from nazi playbook

Democrats are adopting Nazi Party tactics of the early 1930s more and more. Very scary
1.    Growing and open anti-Semitism: 5 Congr. Embrace Farrakhan openly/ Linda Sarsour Muslim terrorist leader of Dems, Keith Ellison VP DNC,  Obama “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016” according to Wiesenthal institute, Jerusalem booed at 2012 Dem convention, open embrace of Ieven as chants death to Israel, almost all Dems support Obama Iran deal, it is always blame Israel when Palestinians try and kill Jews,
2.    Nazi Party was socialist: Nazi Party – officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) as dem party more and more embraces socialism.  
3.    Direct influence by Nazis on Democrats. Explicit influence by Nazis on US Left.  see…/…/1621573486
4.    Control of media: Nazi Goebbels Propaganda Ministry. In US 96% media donations to Hillary. Open, proven collusion Hillary campaign and media. 91% coverage of trump negative.
5.    Increasing violence and thuggery of Dems vs Trump supporters.
6.    Both Nazi and Dems wanted total gun confiscation
7.    Corrupted state organs for control purposes: Dems have corrupted FBI,(Comey disgraced by IG report),  IRS (harassed conservatives), CIA,Muslim brennan Obama crackpot), Justice dept. (Loretta lynch meeting with Bill n tarmac).

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