
Monday, July 6, 2015

The delusional (Jewish and other ) Left and why they are wrong and dangerous

The delusional (Jewish and other ) Left and why they are wrong and dangerous

1. They believe Islam is peaceful and the Palestinians should have their own state now. Dumbest statement of the century by our jihadist president "ISIL and al quida cannot be defeated by guns, only by better ideas."
2.The left believes Democrats help, rather than hurt the poor, middle class, elderly, minorities, world peace and that the Iran deal is good
3. The left believes Hillary should be elected president
4. The left believes climate change is a top issue, is caused by humans, and is not a scam
5. The left believes the UN is a positive force and has moral authority
6. The left generally is sympathetic with the BDS effort to first, delegitimize Israel, weaken her and destroy her
7. The left blames the right for racial tension, when, in fact, it is exacerbated by Democrats to incite tension, as taught to do by Alinksy rules for radicals
8. Many Democrat left Jews do not KNOW that JStreet and other prominent leftist Jews and organizations are financed by Islamic and Soros sources to undermine Israel and the West
9. The Left blames the right for the 2008 recession when in fact, it was the Democrats who caused it!  The left thinks big government is better for helping the poor and middle class, when, in fact, Obamanomics have been devastating for them.
10. The left thinks it is compassionate to have virtually open borders, let terrorists and  hundreds of thousands of no skilled, third world people with diseases we have conquered and thousands of them violent criminals, when we have massive black unemployment, huge deficits, when the point of the policy is really to just have more democratic voters
11. The left thinks the leftist churches are our friends and are scared of evangelicals when in fact, the liberal churches have become the enemy of Israel and most Evangelicals israel's best support.
12. the left believes the following lies about Obama's achievements: He got Bin laden,  He got price of gas reduced,  He cut the deficit in half,  He cut the unemployment rate. 
5.       He ended 2 wars
      13.  The claims leave out the many, many disasters of Obama.

1. They believe Islam is peaceful and the Palestinians should have their own state now
BIGGEST/MOST DANGEROUS LIE? Islam is a peaceful religion
Next time someone idiot tells you that you are Islamiphobic or that Islam is peaceful, ask them what percent of Muslims support ISIS. Answer 81% by Arab poll.
A phobia, by definition, must be irrational. Fearing Islam is very rational.
Muslims have been EVIL since their origin. child abuse, sexual slavery, mass murder, bestiality, anti gay, anti women
Toll of dead? 590 million
This includes terrorist Muslims who call themselves Palestine:
No to a terrorist, genocidal Arab Palestine and no to jihadist Obama's demand

2. The left believes Democrats help, rather than hurt the poor, middle class, elderly, minorities, world peace
They believe Obama has been a successful president
and more: 
Obama and liberalism destroying America and world
1.        Domestic: Record poverty 2. More businesses going out of business than being created 3. Middle class lost average $5000 wealth 4. Record poor “recovery from recession”

5. Obama, Barney Frank and Dems caused 2008 recession, not Bush
 6. Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion 7. Record black unemployment

Since Democrats enacted programs, claiming they would help blacks, like “war on Poverty, AFDC”, we have skyrocketed teenage birth rates, broken families, 6 generations welfare dependency, huge percent black men under 30 in jail or with a record, 27% Black unemployment ttp://
. Record food stamps 8. Record low participation in labor market 9. Stock market artificially boosted by massive printing of money 10. Exacerbating racial tension 11Obama DOUBLED ALL previous US debt by 43 presidents 12. Demagogues to scare away any changes which are needed to save Social Security and Medicare for our children 13. Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders 14. Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs 15. Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us 
2.        Foreign Policy fiascos
a.       85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad
Obama is pro jihad
 b.       Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy blunders
c.        Timeline of Obama’s clear anti-Israel policies
f.         Obama says Islamic terror has nothing to do with islam. So why is Islamic nation Tunisia CLOSING 80 mosques after terror?
g. The nightmare Obama diplomatic deal with Iran fast approaching
1. As Iran chanted death to America and Israel, and our own State department yesterday proclaimed iran is expanding worldwide terrorism, Obama keeps giving them more and more concessions and will make a deal no matter what with WORST nation on Obama wants an Iran deal no matter how catastrophic
2. Even as we negotiate, our own State dept says Iran global terror undiminished
3. Obama’s many lies about Iran deal
4. Why Iran DEAL must be defeated

 3.        Lie after lie, scandal after scandal WORST PRESIDENT EVER
4.     No respect for other 2 branches of government. “I have a pen and a phone. If they won’t do it, I’ll do it by executive action”  and Supreme Court?  Last week, President Obama made several comments about the Supreme Court’s pending decision in King v. Burwell, the Obamacare tax subsidies case, chiding the court for taking up the issue and calling it “an easy case.” But should the president be telling the justices how to rule?

Historically, many presidents have criticized decisions with which they have disagreed, but very few have done so before the court issued its decision.

3. The left believes Hillary should be elected president
a. We don’t even begin to understand the depths of Hillary’s depravity, corruption, lying, pro jihadism, anti Israel policies,and incompetency,?

b. Hillary raised 2 BILLION for her scam foundation, less than 10% goes to charity, the rest to finance their lavish lifestyle. Then she gives favors to dubious characters, including allowing Russian uranium to Iran. See how disgusting Democrats are ignoring this and picking on Rubio for having a mortgage.    Follow Arab bribery money Takes money from Arab terrorist nations, even as Secr. State

. c. The following is a partial list of a large number of persons who who are presumed to be "Casualties of the Clintons
d.       Summary of the disaster it would be
e.  Her Long held pro Islamic jihad views/anti Israel views
 g. She committed Email felonies
h.  No positive accomplishments

4. The left believes climate change is a top issue, is caused by humans, and is not a scam

5. The left believes the UN is a positive force and has moral authority
The UN is evil
Report: Hundreds of Women & Children Forced into Sex by United Nations “Peacekeeper
The UN does not assent to Israel any ability to defend itself. Even handed? Condemns Hamas for launching rockets at Israelis and condemns Israelis for trying to stop the rockets.The UN is run  by the world’s most heinous terrorist regimes and devotes 90% of its outrage for one of the world’s best nations.
UN advances evil. Why do we play host to them?
Why do we give them 25% of budget?

The left generally is sympathetic with the BDS effort to first, delegitimize Israel, weaken her and destroy her  
Obama’s Israel hatred
 How left Jews aid and abet terrorism vs Israel 
BDS movement evil hypocrites/ plain anti Semites  
The BDS nazis on campuses are terrorists-in-training
BDS targets Israel in the name of what it calls “human rights,” but at the same time all but ignores, and often times excuses, far greater humanitarian crises around the world.To demonstrate that, Horowitz traveled to Ireland, which he described as “ground zero of the BDS movement.” Pretending to be a representative/salesman for phony companies in places like Iran, Sudan and North Korea, and almost comically spilling the beans about abusive work conditions there, Horowitz met with nothing but approval from these business owners that had eagerly boycotted the Jewish state.
The land belongs to the Jews
 850,000Jews expelled from arab countries without compensation
Jerusalem’s holiness to Jews. It is not mentioned in Quran


7. The left blames the right for racial tension, when, in fact, it is exacerbated by Democrats to incite tension, as taught to do by Alinksy rules for radicals
Liberals cry racism because they always lose argument, have nothing good to propose  or want more money. : Obama is worst president ever and it has NOTHING to do with his skin color.
We have Black: President, Attorney General, Head National Security Council, Supreme Court,
Preferential treatment to blacks in contracts and admissions many places
Where is there racism?
Where is the real racism?                               
Why has Obama had Al Sharpton to White House 75 times?
Why did Obama have Furgeson protestors to White House to urge them on?
Over 700 Police officers have died since Obama took office. Nothing from Obama. Thug gets killed trying to kill cop and Obama sends three aids to the funeral
Why did George Soros spend $33 million funding professional protestors in Furgeson and Baltimore?
How did the Confederate flag become a Republican issue? It was put up by Democrats!
The Democratic Party is the actual racist party
Southern Democrats, not Republicans enforced segregation for many decades. KKK? Democrats
Since Democrats enacted programs, claiming they would help blacks, like “war on Poverty, AFDC”, we have skyrocketed teenage birth rates, broken families, 6 generations welfare dependency, huge percent black men under 30 in jail or with a record, 27% Black unemployment
When this enslavement of modern blacks by Democrats is pointed out, you are called a racist.
It is the Republican Party that sees people without color of their skin, has the fantastic Black members such as congresswoman Senator Scott South Carolina, Congresswoman Mia Love, Professor Thomas Sowell, Secr. State Condoleezza Rice,
Supreme Court Justice Thomas and so many others.
It is the Republican Party that sees the devastation wrought by the liberal social welfare programs and how they destroyed cities, neighborhoods, families

8. Many Democrat left Jews do not KNOW that JStreet and other prominent leftist jews and organizations are financed by Islamic and Soros sources to undermine Israel and the West
Delusional self haters who support obama
JStreet ANTI Israel Funded by Iran $ and George Soros

9. The Left blames the right for the 2008 recession when in fact, it was the democrats who caused it!  Obama, Barney Frank and Dems caused 2008 recession, not Bush 

Obamanomics (liberalism/Democratic economics) have been devastating for poor and middle class


10. The left thinks it is compassionate to have virtually open borders, let terrorists and  hundreds of thousands of no skilled, third world people with diseases we have conquered and thousands of them violent criminals, when we have massive black unemployment, huge deficits, when the point of the policy is really to just have more democratic voters

11. The left thinks the leftish churches are our friends and are scared of evagelicals when in fact, the liberal churches have become the eenmy of israel and most Evangelicals israel's best support. and evidence

12. Refuting false claims of Obama’s (phony) accomplishments
The left/ Obama claims
1.       He got Bin laden
a.       He campaigned AGAINST every tool used to find and kill Bin laden
b.      It was the military who did it. He had no choice but ok the decision
c.       Much of the Seal team Six who got Bin laden were killed in mysterious helicopter crash later
With 8 Afghanistan soldiers aboard who were not supposed to be there. The support helicopters were given the order to not shoot back at the Taliban shooting at them, WHY?
2.       He got price of gas reduced
a.       He has fought vigorously against gas and oil exploration in USA
b.      The price is doubled since he took office
3.       He cut the deficit in half
a.       The deficit is still much HIGHER than the highest under Bush
b.      It only dropped from the astronomical highs he had the first 4 years
c.       He will DOUBLE all previous US debt from the first 43 Presidents
4.       He cut the unemployment rate. The rate is down because we have record # of people who dropped out of labor force and they are not counted. The unemployment rate didn't fall because more people were hired. The rate fell solely because the number of people who had become dispirited and stopped looking for work far exceeded the number who found jobs. The percentage of Americans in the workforce - defined as those who either have a job or are actively seeking one - dropped to 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, from 62.9 percent. (The figure was 66 percent when the recession began in 2007
5.       He ended 2 wars
Pulling out precipitously has led to explosion of worldwide terrorism, rise of ISIS. This iis part of Obama’s radical Islamic jihadism.
13. The claims leave out the many, many disasters of Obama.
Obama and liberalism destroying America and world
1.      Domestic: Record poverty 2. More businesses going out of business than being created 3. Middle class lost average $5000 wealth 4. Record poor “recovery from recession”
5. Obama, Barney Frank and Dems caused 2008 recession, not Bush 6. Obamacare cost 3x promise. Over 2.7 trillion 7. Record black unemployment 8. Record food stamps 8. Record low participation in labor market 9. Stock market artificially boosted by massive printing of money 10. Exacerbating racial tension 11. Obama DOUBLED ALL previous US debt by 43 presidents 12. Demagogues to scare away any changes which are needed to save Social Security and Medicare for our children 13. Massive illegal immigration and no security on our borders 14. Over 50% recent college grads no full time jobs 15. Chief Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted it was sold to us packed with lies they knew about but hid from us
2.      Foreign Policy fiascos
a.     85 examples of Obama support for radical Islamic jihad
b.     Obama’s catastrophic foreign policy blunders
c.     The strongest military and economic power on earth, is about to sign the worst international agreement in U.S. diplomatic history.
d.     Timeline of Obama’s clear anti-Israel policies
g.     Obama says Islamic terror has nothing to do with islam. So why is Islamic nation Tunisia CLOSING 80 mosques after terror?
h.     Obama guting US military, leaving us unprepared

3.      Lie after lie, scandal after scandal WORST PRESIDENT EVER

More at
For Half the Jews: their religion is LEFTISM, No longer Judaism.

JEWS how can you still be Democrats? Stupid? Drank the radical Kool-aid? Democratic policies hurt everyone


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