Friday, May 8, 2015

No such thing as Islamophobia. Phobias are irrational. Islam is evil. Fear of it is rational.

No such thing as Islamophobia. Phobias are irrational. Radical Islam is evil and at least half of all Muslims support jihad. Fear of it is rational. Lack of fear of radical islam is irrational. Islamophile is insanity.Islam was evil in origin and 50% Muslims today support violent jihad, honor killings, shariah law
child abuse, sexual slavery, mass murder, anti gay, anti women…/almost-half-million……/barbarity-in-mode…Why?
What is a phobia? a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.

There is NOTHING irrational about fear of Islam.
It is totally rational to fear evil Muslims. Not all Muslims are evil, but hundreds of millions support violent jihad. People who do not fear Muslims are irrational.

Islam was evil in origin and 50% Muslims today support violent jihad, honor killings, shariah law
child abuse, sexual slavery, mass murder, anti gay, anti women

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