Moses said to the people in his final charge "I put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life...Be strong and resolute..for the Lord will not forsake you" Deut. 30 and 31. Former US National Debate Champion and Ordained Rabbi tackles issues of Public Policy, Israel, Islamic Terrorism, Antisemitism, Jewish Wisdom and the Chicago Bears
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
My Videos on the election, Obama, Israel/palestinian, Iran deal, socialism, by category
a. Debased, corrupt, evil, lying, incompetent, treasonous, radical, pro jihad, Hillary STORY
b. “It is not criminal" is the BEST they can do for Hillary?
c. Hillary women abuser The issue about referencing Bill is that Hillary LED the attack on the assault accusers!
a. Debased, corrupt, evil, lying, incompetent, treasonous, radical, pro jihad, Hillary STORY
b. “It is not criminal" is the BEST they can do for Hillary?
c. Hillary women abuser The issue about referencing Bill is that Hillary LED the attack on the assault accusers!
d. Phony Clinton criminal
foundation. She took bribes from adversaries, how can she be potus?
e. Hillary refuses to face press in 2016. You
wouldn't either if you were as corrupt and incompetent
f. . Why
Trump could be a great President. Obama is the worst. Hillary dangerous
g. No
difference between socialism, Democrat, Democratic socialism and communism
h. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
i. Bernie Sanders, actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further destroy America if elected
h. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
i. Bernie Sanders, actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further destroy America if elected
stop being stupid. You're just helping Hillary get elected
stop lying
Nevertrumpers. Trump has detailed plans.
Why Trump
could be a great President. Obama is the worst. Hillary dangerous
Democratic polices evil, harmful
a. Democrats caused the 2008 recession, not Republicans!
b. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
c. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
d. Democrats now anti-Israel
e. Democratic Party/liberals increasingly anti-Semitic
f. Democratic Party foments racial divide and wages hidden war on blacks
g. Why are Democrats apologists for Islamic terrorism?
h. Obama not criticized because of racism. It is because his POLICIES are ruining America
i. wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
j. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
k. Who are the winners in 2015? America's enemies. Losers? the West
l. It is not guns or cops that are the issue.. 63 shot in chicago this weekend
m. Refuting Obama's big lie today: He falsely claims the economy is better under him
n. ECONOMY Obama falsely claims the economy is better under him
o. Obama is the worst president ever. Hillary will be as bad.
p. Is Obama pro jihad? What does the evidence tell us?
q. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
r. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
s. IRAN wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
t. IMMIGRATION Obama rogue President on Immigration
Democratic polices evil, harmful
a. Democrats caused the 2008 recession, not Republicans!
b. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
c. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
d. Democrats now anti-Israel
e. Democratic Party/liberals increasingly anti-Semitic
f. Democratic Party foments racial divide and wages hidden war on blacks
g. Why are Democrats apologists for Islamic terrorism?
h. Obama not criticized because of racism. It is because his POLICIES are ruining America
i. wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
j. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
k. Who are the winners in 2015? America's enemies. Losers? the West
l. It is not guns or cops that are the issue.. 63 shot in chicago this weekend
m. Refuting Obama's big lie today: He falsely claims the economy is better under him
n. ECONOMY Obama falsely claims the economy is better under him
o. Obama is the worst president ever. Hillary will be as bad.
p. Is Obama pro jihad? What does the evidence tell us?
q. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
r. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
s. IRAN wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
t. IMMIGRATION Obama rogue President on Immigration
embraces Obama’s policies, even Obamacare catastrophe: ruining health care,
budgets, sold on LIES
difference between socialism, Democrat, Democratic socialism and communism
w. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
Obama videos on worst POTUS ever
a. Refuting Obama's big lie today: He falsely claims the economy is better under him
b. Obama is the worst president ever. Hillary will be as bad.
c. Is Obama pro jihad? What does the evidence tell us?
d. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
e. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
f. wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
g. Obama rogue President on Immigration
w. Democratic fascists. Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
Obama videos on worst POTUS ever
a. Refuting Obama's big lie today: He falsely claims the economy is better under him
b. Obama is the worst president ever. Hillary will be as bad.
c. Is Obama pro jihad? What does the evidence tell us?
d. Obama most scandal ridden presidency in US History
e. Evidence of Obama's pro Muslim terror views and actions
f. wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
g. Obama rogue President on Immigration
Obamacare catastrophe: ruining
health care, budgets, sold on LIES
a. Islamophobia is a lie. Phobias are irrational. Fear of Islam is totally rational
b. Is Obama pro jihad? What does the evidence tell us?
c. Why are Democrats apologists for Islamic terrorism?
Syrian Rapefugees
a. Morally perverted analogy between WW2 fleeing Nazis and Syrian refugees
b. The disgusting LIES Democrats say about the Syrian refugee issue
Iran deal catastrophe
a. Iran Nuclear deal worse than imagined. Help stop it
b. 2 clear reasons Iran WILL use nuclear weapons vs Israel and the USA
c. Americans Jews who know and care DO NOT SUPPORT IRAN DEAL
d. They are delusional, suicidal, and fratricidal
e. wannabee Dictator Obama tries to usurp Congress with UN on Iran deal
Phony Palestinians want Israel gone and Jews dead
a. There is no occupation of Palestine. Phony Palestinians want Jews dead. BDS subterfuge.
nevertrumpers: stop being stupid. You are going to hand election to crooked Hillary.
#nevertrumpers. STOP BEING STUPID
Memo to Michael Medved, Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, Jennifer Rubin, Brett Stephens, Bill Kristol, Mitt Romney, Bush family, George Will, Mark Levin and the other #nevertrumpers.
Listen to Hannity, Prager, Mike Gallagher, ex Prez Bob Dole, Perry, Rubio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Trump wasn’t their first choice but he is infinitely better than Hillary and so they will support him
Maybe your position is actually for Hillary to win so you can keep your gigs of opposition going. That is so selfish, it is beneath you if true.
You are all standing on your antipathy for Trump to say you will never vote for him, and want him to lose badly. IDIOCY. You all claim to be conservatives and care about the USA. Medved has this ridiculous idea that a 3rd or 4th party could yield a winner. Bizarre. It will be either the Dem candidate or trump.
If your stupidity on this results in a Hillary victory, you will have achieved
-A Supreme Court that will be left for a generation. We will lose our right to bear arms, free speech ( will be illegal to criticize islam or climate change), thuggery to disupt our right to assemble and speak will be permitted,
-The end, forever, of any chance a conservative will win. The Dems wil bring in so many Mexicans and central Americans illegally and then give them the right to vote
-massive influx of Muslims, as Obama has done, from countries with 90% support of jihad ans shariah
-end of support for Israel
-USA bankrupt
-military further gutted
And on and on and on
Protesters at Trump rallys are PAID protesters
Protesters at Trump rallys are PAID protesters
Why hasn't George Soros been arrested for
'Inciting a Riot"?
news sources have reported that the infamous George Soros has paid protesters
to show up and disrupt ANYTHING connected to law-abiding Conservatives
gatherings… and most recently to disrupt peaceful Donald Trump rallies.
you see this happening to Sanders or Hillary rallies by Trump supporters or
Republicans? NEVER!
It has been reported that many of the
protesters were paid by either Soros,,
BlackLivesMatter or other Soros-connected organizations. Many of the protesters
said they answered ads on Craigslist.
Unfortunately, most of the
protesters end up trying to escalate to the level of inciting violent clashes
with peaceful rally-goers. These pre-planned confrontations usually end up with
arrests and injuries to citizens and police.
QUESTION: Isn’t this behavior
considered “Inciting a Riot” or other serious criminal activity? There must be
a statute or law by which George Soros can be arrested and charged!!!
Monday, May 30, 2016
No difference between socialism, Democrat, Democratic socialism and comm...
Communist Bernie supporters try and distinguish socialism (like venezuela now has 80% shortage of basic goods and people are eating their pets) from what he says he is: Democratic socialism. it is a PHONY, BOGUS difference. "While having almost the same principles as that of socialism, democratic socialism believes in a socialism through the ballot box." Nazis were socialists. Soviet Union was socialist (government controls means of production and distribution of income. China was. . Bernie Sanders, actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further destroy America if elected
and they can't differentiate SOCIALISM from DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Debbie Wasserman Schultz still can't explain the difference between a socialist and a Democrat
After embarrassing herself a few days ago by being dumbfounded when MSNBC host Chris Matthews asked her to explain the difference between a Democrat and a socialist, the chair of the Democratic National Committee had plenty of time to think about an answer. Yet, when Chuck Todd asked her the same question and played back her embarrassing response to Matthews, once again she avoided an answer, instead deflecting her comments to the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
PHONY, BOGUS difference between socialism and democratic socialism
Communist Bernie supporters try and distinguish socialism (like venezuela now has 80% shortage of basic goods and people are eating their pets) from what he says he is: Democratic socialism. it is a PHONY, BOGUS difference. "While having almost the same principles as that of socialism, democratic socialism believes in a socialism through the ballot box." Nazis were socialists. Soviet Union was socialist (government controls means of production and distribution of income. China was. . Bernie Sanders, actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further destroy America if elected
and they can't differentiate SOCIALISM from DEMOCRATIC PARTY
The obvious conclusion is that there is no difference between a Democrat and a socialist. DWS obviously realizes that to draw a distinction would alienate a substantial portion of her party’s base.
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and they can't differentiate SOCIALISM from DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Debbie Wasserman Schultz still can't explain the difference between a socialist and a Democrat
After embarrassing herself a few days ago by being dumbfounded when MSNBC host Chris Matthews asked her to explain the difference between a Democrat and a socialist, the chair of the Democratic National Committee had plenty of time to think about an answer. Yet, when Chuck Todd asked her the same question and played back her embarrassing response to Matthews, once again she avoided an answer, instead deflecting her comments to the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Watch the exchange:
Watch the exchange:
The obvious conclusion is that there is no difference between a Democrat and a socialist. DWS obviously realizes that to draw a distinction would alienate a substantial portion of her party’s base.
After embarrassing herself a few days ago by being dumbfounded when MSNBC host Chris Matthews asked her to explain the difference between a Democrat and a socialist, the chair of the Democratic National Committee had plenty of time to think about an answer. Yet, when Chuck Todd asked her the same question and played back her embarrassing response to Matthews, once again she avoided an answer, instead deflecting her comments to the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Read more:
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Phony made-up Palestinians just want Israel destroyed. BDS is subterfuge
1. There is NO occupation of Palestine. There are no illegal settlements. Phony Palestinians just want Israel gone and Jews dead. Any other view is delusional or anti-Semitism. Israel is the historic (4000 year old) homeland of the Jewish people and today one of the most successful nations on earth. 1.5 million Arab citizens of Israel live better and freer than any Arab in 22 Arab nations.
There never was an historic Muslim Palestinian people.If there were, Jordan and Egypt could have established a “Palestinian State” from 1948 -1967 when they controlled West bank and Gaza. Palestine was Jewish in ancient times. The “West Bank” is historic Jewish land. Just read the Bible.
Overwhelmingly people who claim to be Palestinians never lived inside the area. They are descendants 1 or 2 generations of carpetbaggers from the region. If this phony people truly wanted a state next to Israel, they could have accepted the extremely generous plans of Omert and Barak, 2 Israel prime Ministers and they’d stop teaching their kindergarteners to want to kill Israelis. Instead they rejected the proposals with violence and just teach violence and terror. “East Jerusalem” is not Arab. There are 200,000 Jews there too.
The “Free Palestine”, BDS and “end the occupation”, are about destroying all OF Israel, killing Jews and enhancing terror, not about establishing a state next to Jewish Israel.
2. The Arab world does not care about the issue either. They use it as a wedge vs Israel. Palestinian groups are just some of 85 other Islamic terrorist groups including Isis and Alquida. Palestinian Hamas now with isis
3. BDS is effort to DESTROY Israel. It is led by Islamic terrorist organizations: Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Student Association, CAIR, and Students for Justice in Palestine are all linked to these terror groups. while Israel defends itself in the most ethical way of any nation.
Great endorsement of trump's health care plans
C Steven Tucker since 2010, and he is considered by many to be a national health care insurance expert.
"In both of Mr. Trump’s books he calls for the following private sector reform alternatives. Some of which are also called for under both Senator Cruz’s “Health Choice Act of 2015” and Dr. Ben Carson’s plan among others. In addition to federal and state reforms, they include:
1.) Repeal of the McCarran Ferguson Act so health insurance can be sold across state lines.
2.) Expansion of Health Savings Accounts to promote price transparency & accountability.
3.) Tort (or Medical Malpractice Reform)
4.) Reform of our health care safety nets including block granting Medicaid back to the states so states have more control.
5.) Mr. Trump has most recently added necessary reforms to be made to our broken Veteran’s Administration health care system specifically because it, like all other Single Payer systems is an unmitigated disaster!
2.) Expansion of Health Savings Accounts to promote price transparency & accountability.
3.) Tort (or Medical Malpractice Reform)
4.) Reform of our health care safety nets including block granting Medicaid back to the states so states have more control.
5.) Mr. Trump has most recently added necessary reforms to be made to our broken Veteran’s Administration health care system specifically because it, like all other Single Payer systems is an unmitigated disaster!
#nevertrumpers. STOP BEING STUPID
#nevertrumpers. STOP BEING STUPID Memo to Michael
Medved, Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, Jennifer Rubin, Brett Stephens, Bill
Kristol, Mitt Romney, Bush family, George Will, Mark Levin and the other #nevertrumpers.
Listen to Hannity,
Prager, Mike Gallagher, ex Prez Bob Dole, Perry, Rubio, Ben Carson, Chris
Christie, Trump wasn’t their first choice but he is infinitely better than
Hillary and so they will support him
Maybe your position is
actually for Hillary to win so you can keep your gigs of opposition going. That
is so selfish, it is beneath you if true.
You are all standing
on your antipathy for Trump to say you will never vote for him, and want him to
lose badly. IDIOCY. You all claim to be conservatives and care about the USA.
Medved has this ridiculous idea that a 3rd or 4th party could yield a winner.
Bizarre. It will be either the Dem candidate or trump.
If your stupidity on
this results in a Hillary victory, you will have achieved
-A Supreme Court that
will be left for a generation. We will lose our right to bear arms, free speech
( will be illegal to criticize islam or climate change), thuggery to disupt our
right to assemble and speak will be permitted,
-The end, forever, of
any chance a conservative will win. The Dems wil bring in so many Mexicans and
central Americans illegally and then give them the right to vote
-massive influx of
Muslims, as Obama has done, from countries with 90% support of jihad ans
-end of support for
-USA bankrupt
-military further
And on and on and on
Bernie Sanders,
actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further destroy America if elected
Obama is the worst
president ever. Hillary will be as bad.
What a joke. Obama
says Trump rattles world leaders. It is Obama who rattles them
Democratic fascists.
Elect Hillary or Bernie and lose our freedom
Why Trump could be a
great President. Obama is the worst. Hillary dangerous
Why are Democrats
apologists for Islamic terrorism?
If you CLAIM to be an
Israel supporter, only one choice in November. TRUMP!!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Obama apology tour to Hiroshima
407,300 US soldiers died in WW2, millions wounded, huge % were vs Japanese. The US Govt. predicted that a full-scale invasion of Japan would have cost 900,000 or 1,000,000 Allied lives. but we can't know for sure. No one forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor or fight us. Most historians believe the bombs were required to force Japan to quit the war. Even after both, there was resistance to not stop. Obama pretends to be upset about nuclear weapons, but then helps Iran with huge $ and deal to aid their program, which will create massive nuclear weapons program throughout Middle East.
Bernie Sanders, actually a Communist, wrong on all issues, will further ...
The Democratic socialist
candidate clammed completely up when Krauze asked him to explain the failures
of socialism in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil.
2.Sanders wants to give all our health care to the gov.
Bernie, ever heard of the VA?
3.illegal Immigration
Liar Hillary and Bernie
pretend immigration is controlled and both argue against walls..We have record
illegal immigration right now, terrorists coming across border, violent
illegals not being deported, massive drug flows.
4. Horrors of left: deny
free speech, free assembly, freedom of religion
7. He actually is a Communist
1. Obama and Hillary have been the most anti- Israel duo in US history.,
2. They are both pro radical Islamic jihadists. Militant islam wants her to win.
says we should fight Islamic terror with more “love and Kindness”
refuses to see any connection between islam and 99.9% of terror conducted by Muslims
She is FOR catastrophic Iran deal. Trump says worst deal ever.
She says we need to show more empathy for isis
3. She is most corrupt person ever to run for Potus
4. She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to record poverty. wants to double down on Obama’s catastrophic presidency Obama worst POTUS ever.
5. She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to doubling our national debt.
6. She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to strangulation of business and record number of people quit looking for work.
7. She applauds Obama’s policies which have led to lowest growth of economy for 8 straight years
8. She is a pathological liar.
9. Her email scandal is treason, our top top secrets hacked by Russia, china, North Korea
10. Her criminal phony foundation has taken $2 billion, mostly from Islamic jihadi nations, and used 10% on charity vs Trump continuing acts of kindness 5Phony foundation is criminal. Takes $2 billion from mostly from jihadist Islamic states seeking favors while she is Secr and spends on lavish lifestyle
treason b/o Russians and uranium
12. Abusive to women
13. Trump has long history pro- Israel, has top pro -advisors will reduce business strangling regulations, lower corporate taxes, keep out isis terrorist from infiltrating, protect the First amendment threatened by Clinton, keep out illegals,
14. She wants to confiscate guns.
15. She wants to destroy the coal industry Stated she wants to put coal and fracking out of business, make us more dependent on foreign oil
16. She wants no border controls
17. Her economic plans destroy business, jobs, strangle the economy
18. She has scandal after scandal after scandal Most scandal ridden person ever to run
19. She endorses letting men dressed as women in girls lockers
21. Out-of-control anger Is hated by her Secret Service detail for out of control anger issues.
22. Incompetent. Worst secr. State of all time
a. Justified Hamas shooting 10,000 rockets at random targets in Israel.
b. On whose watch 4 Arab countries fell apart to terrorists.
c. Began Russian reset appeasing advancing Russia
d. Began Iran deal negotiations of which she approves. They admit they lied to sell it
23. Immoral. She laughed about getting child rapist off for technicality as defense attorney.
24. Flip flops so much we have no idea what she actually will do
Details see
The charge Trump has no specifics is BS. He has broad vision, has appointed Sen. Jeff Sessions
to head his foreign policy advisors, Larry Kudlow loves his tax plan, he says he will balance budget with the penny plan, has detailed medical policy on his page.
Why Trump could be a GREAT President.It is a gamble. And i think he is WRONG on trade but....
1. Will close the borders and deport illegal felons that Obama opened
2. Will slow Muslim immigration which endangers us that Obama did. It is the law
3. Will destroy Isis that Obama pretends to fight
4. Will improve balance of trade
5. Will cut business killing regulations that Obama instituted
6. Will reform tax system. Best plan.
7. Will support our allies that Obama repudiated
8. Will end Obamacare
9. Will end “sanctuary cities” harboring illegal immigrant felons that Obama encouraged
10. Will rebuild our military Obama gutted
11. Will improve care for our Vets Obama ignored
12. Will stop IRS and EPA abusing citizens Obama did
13. Will reform welfare that led to our record poverty under Obama
14. He won’t be Hillary: corrupt, pathological liar, scandal after scandal, sold out nation for profit, aided Islamic terror,
15. Will keep Gitmo open and add "lots of really bad guys"
16. Will scare world leaders of enemies to cooperating, as Reagan did.
17. Close to Israel PM Netanyahu
18. Breitbart gives 5 more reasons
19. Will balance budget with "penny plan"
20. Names Sen. Jeff Sessions to form foreign policy adviser team
15. Will keep Gitmo open and add "lots of really bad guys"
16. Will scare world leaders of enemies to cooperating, as Reagan did.
17. Close to Israel PM Netanyahu
18. Breitbart gives 5 more reasons
19. Will balance budget with "penny plan"
20. Names Sen. Jeff Sessions to form foreign policy adviser team
If he does this, he will be a GREAT President.
Obama worst president ever
Obama is a radical Islamic jihadist
Paul Muffoletto Top Ten Reasons for Supporting Donald Trump:
1. Donald Trump is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
2. Donald Trump knows how to negotiate. No one builds an international business empire the size of Mr. Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
3. Donald Trump is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.
4. Donald Trump is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. Donald Trump is decisive. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. Donald Trump is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. Donald Trump listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. Donald Trump understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
9. Donald Trump has actually read the Bill of Rights, and is willing to defend its provisions. He is not afraid to speak about Christian persecution, and protecting gun rights.
10. Donald Trump loves this country – and says so. He wants to make America great again –and he will!
1. Donald Trump is immune to special interest lobbying because he has accepted no special interest money. No other candidate can make this claim.
2. Donald Trump knows how to negotiate. No one builds an international business empire the size of Mr. Trump’s without being able to win at the negotiating table.
3. Donald Trump is an executive. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Officer of our nation. We don’t need a policy expert or a legislator – we need someone who knows how to run an organization. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has a proven record as a successful executive on a large scale.
4. Donald Trump is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.
5. Donald Trump is decisive. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.
6. Donald Trump is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.
7. Donald Trump listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
8. Donald Trump understands that a nation without borders, language and laws is not a nation.
9. Donald Trump has actually read the Bill of Rights, and is willing to defend its provisions. He is not afraid to speak about Christian persecution, and protecting gun rights.
10. Donald Trump loves this country – and says so. He wants to make America great again –and he will!
5 Reasons Why Trump Would be a Better President than You Thought
Would President Trump be that bad?
The establishment would have you thinking that.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
repeated the same platitudes and half-truths several times following his embarrassing performance on Super Tuesday—Trump is a racist, Trump is not a conservative, Trump isn’t electable, etc. The reaction? Everyone laughed.
Nothing changed at the Thursday night debate. Many of the attacks leveled at Trump seemed to be made up by a junior high school focus group. Those that actually had substance—and there were a few great barbs by both the candidates and the moderators—questioned not only Trump’s honesty and integrity, but also his “conservative credentials.”
Trump, the establishment says (along with the anti-Trump crowd), is all image and no substance, a “reality TV star” who doesn’t understand the Constitution or American government. His “debate” performance seemed to solidify this critique. After all, Trump does not give concrete answers to policy questions and maybe spends too much time on the size of his hands.
But let us consider five reasons why the establishment and the anti-Trump crowd may be wrong about a President Trump:
1.) “I’ll look into it”: A President Trump who will “look into” a particular situation is not the same as a president who will unconstitutionally legislate from the Oval Office. We have seen that Trump has good advisors, particularlySen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)of Alabama, a man whom no one would confuse with a weak-kneed liberal. Sessions has been the most vocal opponent of illegal immigration in the Senate. Does anyone think that his influence would lead to a Gang of Eight scenario and compromise from President Trump? “Looking into it” might produce a push for even more stringent immigration policies from Congress. If Trump says he will support it, Congress would be foolish not to act.
2.) Trump won’t start WWIII: Among the remaining candidates (including the Democrats), Trump has been the most vocal opponent of military adventurism. He has suggested he will take the fight to ISIS, but Trump has been insistent in his belief that the Iraq war was a mistake, that American blood has been shed in a misguided attempt to restructure the Middle East, and that a real conservative American foreign policy would place American interests first, ahead of those of foreign nations. Trump’s foreign policy would be closest to the founding generation’s desire for peaceful neutrality. As a businessman, Trump understands that peace produces prosperity, both for the American federal republic and the people who reside here.3.) We may get Judge Napolitano: No, not Janet Napolitano, but Judge Andrew Napolitano for the Supreme Court. Critics have charged that Trump would likely appoint a rabid leftist for the bench, perhaps his sister, but in a recent interview, Trump advisor Roger Stone hinted that Andrew Napolitano might be Trump’s first choice to take Antonin Scalia’s seat on the bench. It would make sense. Napolitano has a high profile in the media and is rock solid on civil liberties. And though he appears regularly on Fox News, he is not an establishment favorite, nor would he be an establishment choice. It would be as unconventional as a Trump presidency. That is good for America. Who needs another Harvard lawyer on the Supreme Court bench? We have a clear example of how a Harvard Law grad has screwed up America. He currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Hillary Clinton thought he would make a good Supreme Court justice.4.) Trump brings back the Reagan coalition: It wasn’t that long ago that people used to salivate over the 1980s Reagan coalition of blue-collar Democrats and white-collar Republicans. Trump has that kind of appeal. This is why his message resonates across the political spectrum and why many Americans are supporting him. If the Republican Party is serious about a “big tent” philosophy, Trump is their guy. Most conservatives vote Republican because they lack real alternatives. It is better, they think, to hold their nose and pull the lever for Mitt Romney than vote for Barack Obama. This hasn’t worked, and American knows it. Trump represents real America, what Glenn Beck recently derided as the “bubba effect,” and real America is ready to kick the establishment to the curb. They want jobs, security, and someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to the cultural Marxism of the establishment, both Left and Right. Reagan would agree. He nailed the “bubba” vote as well. That worked out ok.5.) Trump cleans up corruption: Trump has made clear that he intends to prosecute Hillary Clinton if elected president. That is a good start, and candidate Hillary doesn’t stand a chance against the verbal onslaught Trump would bring to a Trump v. Clinton campaign. She has never encountered someone like Trump as a candidate. He is not awe struck by the Clinton machine. But more than that, Trump prides himself on efficiency. Grover Cleveland, the last good Democrat elected to the executive office, rode a wave of anti-corruption into the executive mansion and proceeded to remove as much of the cancer from Washington as possible. It would not be hard to image a similar great purge of establishment corruption from D.C. should Trump be elected. It would be like shining lights on cockroaches. Clinton would be the first target, but other vestiges of Washington corruption would be getting a Trump scrubbing. Who wouldn’t want that?
At the end of the day, Americans should ask, “Do we want a chief legislator, a dictator in chief who already has an agenda and like Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Obama etc., will force Congress into submission?” We have already seen how that screwed up America. Think the New Deal, Fair Deal, and the Great Society. Making America great again will take a different kind of leadership, one in which “I’ll look into it” is preferable to “I’ll act even if it’s unconstitutional.”
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