Thursday, October 13, 2016

If you vote Hillary, you might be literally signing your death warrant by droning.

Hillary has anger problems out of control, according to the Secret Service. She wanted to drone Assange. Dozens of close associates are dead under mysterious circumstances. Media is so in her pocket that she literally gets away with MURDER?
If you vote Hillary, you might be literally signing your death warrant by droning.
Here is what happens when you cross the Clintons: 85 dead closed acquaintances and supporters who were willing to tell the truth found dead. Her supporters do not care. She says “can’t we drone (MURDER) Assange (wicklieaks founder)
Hillary considers half of Trump's supporters irredeemable deplorable, and now wilileaks exposes her contempt for religious Catholics, Israel, Southerners, Hispanics and she takes KKK money.
How many will she "DRONE" when she has the controls?

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